Fullstack developer sharing insight and tips on web development
Imagine your page look like this - /blog/1/category // list category page - /blog/1/category/create // category create page -...
What is logging? Logging is information in Programming to trace some behaviour inside our software. In computing, logging is the act of keeping a log...
What stack that I use? "swr": "^2.2.5", "next": "14.2.3", Problem SPA (Single Page Application) are hard to identify user's session using...
React Context Trying to use ReactContext as global state. Read the react context document. I love it at first, fix the problem state props...
Age adalah tools untuk enkripsi dan dekripsi data yang simple dan modern. Dibanding menggunakan GPG (Gnupg) yang cukup rumit dan tidak ramah bagi...
JSON Web Token atau JWT (dibaca jot) adalah Token yang digunakan untuk melakukan proses claim dari 2 service yang berbeda (biasanya backend dan...